Tag Archives: Life
2020 Review

I don’t know what it is about the arbitrary change of calendar year that prompts such renewal of ambition in all of us, I have all but given up on New Year’s resolutions and don’t agree with the New Year, New Me hype but yet here I am with a renewed sense of purpose now that 2021 has really started… Read more »
Plastic Free-ish July

So this morning I woke up very early with the Sun and since the milkman delivers early I actually got up and decided that I should put myself to use and reflect on the Plastic-free(ish) journey that I’ve been on this month. This turned into quite a long mind ramble and at the end I thought. This is pretty much… Read more »
35 before 35 update

Recently I turned 32 so I thought I would do an update on how my 35 before 35 list has been going in the first “half a year” and see if any progress/changes have occured yet. Unsurprisingly I haven’t made a big dent in the list yet but being only 1/7th of the way through the time frame this is… Read more »
35 before 35 – Life Admin and Travel

Carrying on from the crafty bits of the 35 before 35 list we get to the fun bits, life admin… 18: Write a Will 19: Get Driving Licence 20: Get Yachtmaster Ticket These ones are all pretty self explanatory, not that we every really want to think about it but I am probably getting to that age where a will… Read more »
35 Before 35 – The crafty bits

Last week I posted my 35 before 35 list and said that I would go into more detail. So lets start with the crafty bit of the list 1 & 2 come together, like many of us living through the lives of multiple computers and harddrives I have photographs stored in many places and have not really looked at them… Read more »
35 Before 35

When Nikki talked about making a 30 before 30 list it got me thinking, I have already passed that milestone but that kind of thing a bit more of more ‘instant’ Bucket List was probably a good idea. So I set about thinking about what I would put on it and what kind of time frame would be good for… Read more »
Monday sevens #102

Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone. Well it’s been a very busy couple of weeks since we last managed a Monday sevens post and lots has been going on with some pretty major milestones passed! So this might be a bit of… Read more »
Monday Sevens #100

Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone. *klaxons* So Nikki here with this milestone post – Monday Sevens #100! That’s quite a few weeks of posting! Although we might not have managed a post last week (I do have good reason though!) so… Read more »
Monday Sevens #96

Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone. Pippa here again with a Monday Sevens post actually on a Monday for once, it’s amazing what a few days off work can do for your scheduling. I have been working all week so not much… Read more »