Monday Sevens #96

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Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.

Pippa here again with a Monday Sevens post actually on a Monday for once, it’s amazing what a few days off work can do for your scheduling.

I have been working all week so not much in the way of extra-curricular activity for me, but for this week the work days were shifted back so I did get the mornings to chill out and have some ‘me time’.

On Monday this proved very lovely, chilling out on the deck at A’s flat in the only sunshine we had all week and doing some painting.

Monday sevens #96
Monday sevens #96

Monday sevens #96

Other than that I didn’t get up to much except work during the weekdays, even working on the Bank Holiday Friday to get some boats ready for the courses this weekend.

Nikki spent a lot of the week working on her thesis, as usual. But did find some time to treat herself to some very scrummy looking tapas.

Monday sevens

Also she has been working on her lettering and getting her Bullet journal ready for the new month.

Monday sevens

This weekend we departed for different ends of the country to enjoy some time with our other halves. Nikki travelled down to Devon with Philip and is staying there for the week half enjoying some “holiday time” away and half helping our parents out looking after our Grandparents.

This weekend her and Philip went for a walk around the Dartington estate and saw some deer and the Steam trains made multiple appearances for them.

Monday sevens

I went up to Ipswich with A and despite the weather trying to drown us, we got some time to walk along the very muddy seawall and take in some lovely views of the Orwell, and the commercial dock at Felixstowe in the background…

Monday sevens #96

I am back down south now and surprisingly didn’t get held up by bank holiday traffic too much.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful week and managed to get what ever they wanted done this Easter weekend. I am longing for some decent sunshine to dry out the garden a bit so that we can enjoy spring before the busy summer season comes barrelling down on us.

You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.


10 thoughts on “Monday Sevens #96

  1. Kim

    I managed to make the most of that brief sunshine too. Yay us!
    You are both still filling your time very productively. I really must join with Nicci in a ‘ to do’ list. Maybe I should get a lovely journal like her?
    Here’s hoping that the weather improves very soon .

    1. Pippa Post author

      To Do lists are wonderful as long as you don’t end up with too many things on them as I often do.
      Certainly think about getting a journal like that, we both use the Bullet journal system to a certain extent. Nikki sticks to the “rules” better than I do. Although they aren’t really rules.
      I am quite bad about using it regularly when I’m working as I don’t really have much spare time to complete a to do list. But when I’m back home it is very useful.

    2. Nikki

      Yeah I find the journal very useful and it’s completely freeform so you aren’t fixed into a certain format. I’ll try and do some posts about how I use my journal at some point soon 🙂

  2. sewchet

    Love Nikki’s journal and am wondering if she’s tempted to write her thesis with such lovely lettering? Although it’s probably all typed, I suppose. Sunshine! How I long to make use of our deck again! This time last year we were barbecuing up a storm – this year, it’s just the storms….

    1. Pippa Post author

      Yes it is all typed. I’m not sure anyone has the patience to write it out nicely, it is many many words…

      Oh I can’t wait for summer…


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