Monthly Archives: April 2018

Me-Made-May 2018

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So I am planning on taking part in Me-Made-May again this year, I always have big plans for it but never seem to follow through for the whole month. Hopefully I can this year, my calendar is looking a bit less busy at the moment than normal. The aim of Me-Made-May is, well anything you want it to be. Me-Made-May’18… Read more »


Monday Sevens #98

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Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone. This week has been an interesting one. With some good days and some definitely not so good days. Nikki started the week with me in Poole on her way back from Devon. Partly just so I… Read more »


Monday Sevens #97

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Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone. Pippa checking in this week for Monday Sevens, on the gloriously rainy Monday morning… I’m sure it is doing someone somewhere’s garden some good but personally, I am utterly fed up with this damp spring weather…. Read more »


Latin Dresses: Pippa – Part II

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In my last post on these dresses, I showed my dress without the crinoline and without any embellishment. The First thing that got added to the dress was some crinoline, thankfully this arrived during the day on the weds and I could add it to my skirt so that Cheyenne could get the full effect of what the skirt would… Read more »
