Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.
This week has been an interesting one. With some good days and some definitely not so good days.
Nikki started the week with me in Poole on her way back from Devon. Partly just so I would feed her I’m sure… She is still in full-on thesis writing mode. Not long left now.
When she left on Tuesday I sent her away with the basis of all of her meals for the next week (admittedly some of them were ready meals that she had bought) but some of them were nice healthy home cooked meals for her to just heat up. Like this salmon, veg and grains meal.
With the odd bit of sunshine at the start of the week, I forced myself to go out into the garden and tackle some of the plants that are looking a little overgrown. I managed to cut down about half of the giant bamboo that I need to take down before my back started hurting too much!
*excuse the odd squinting, but look it’s almost twice my height!
I have also been doing some more painting a sketching this week…

I also received some super chunky zips which I am planning on using on some of the bags. Hehe, they even have my initials on them :p
So on Thursday I was due to catch up with a friend in town which got me out of the house, otherwise I think I would have been cooped up for a while. Unfortunately, we received bad news, our grandad that everyone thought was getting better tricked us all one last time and passed away on Thursday morning.
This came as quite a shock to us all as they had moved him to the local hospital and were talking about moving him on from there as he was getting better. We are just taking things as they come and giving my father all the support we are able to.
Thursday evening I caught up with my friend in Stables in Poole, when I used to work on pelican we all knew stables (in Weymouth) very well and all knew how lethal, the perry they have called, Bee Sting could be. Thursday was a crochet and Bee Sting kind of evening…
As is the case every time I get bad news (of any variety) I feel the need to keep my hands busy to at least partly occupy my mind and as a way to feel that I am actually doing something, even if I don’t leave the sofa all day! This time it was a granny square blanket. There was a bit of a motive for picking this “pattern” as a colleague asked me to teach her to make them and I felt I should probably remember how to first…
I have also been willing spring to get here by sewing up a summer dress in some of the brightest fabric I own!

What have you done this week? Has it been a good week or would you rather that it hadn’t happened?
You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.
We have quite a lot of bamboo but we planted it as a sort of barrier between us and the neighbour so we don’t mind it getting tall 😉
So sorry to hear about your Grandad, especially when it seemed he was on the mend. I hope he passed peacefully. x
Thank you, yes thankfully it was all very peacefull.
Lol yes I have very strong memories of hacking away at the random bambo forest in the middle of a normal “forest” at my uncles place in france when I was much younger. It makes a wonderful barrier in larger properties but can take over far too easily in small gardens!
So sorry to hear your news about Grandad. I’m sure you can all contribute a lovely memory story when you get together as a family.
Well done tackling the garden – you deserved the Perry and crochet night after that effort.
Thank you 🙂 I’m sure there will be many stories.
Lol yes after all that hacking away I def needed the drink 🙂