Today I have designed and uploaded a new header to the Etsy shop:
It makes me feel like I am finally starting to get things a little more together. I can make the jewellery etc but I have been feeling like the selling it over the internet part of it is a little tricky.
There are so many things to consider:
1) taking the photos, Do they do the piece justice? Are they exposed correctly? Composition!
2) Listing the Item, especially having only one of each item it does take a while to list them on Etsy and as a rule I generally don’t like ‘bigging up’ and item of mine… I’m always like Meh its ok, so it is quite hard to start writing about them as if I hadn’t made them
3) Getting traffic to the shop… I don’t want to be one of those people who just posts the link everywhere and hopes that people will come looking, but equally talking to others and generally networking to create connections and therefore traffic is time consuming and a slow process which can be very disheartening at times…
I have some new items including, for the first time a ring! Yay love this, but it is definitely more of a cocktail ring, as it is quite tall.
New products coming soon 😀