I am a little behind the times with actually writing this post but hey-ho… Here is a round up of week two of my Me-Made-May
4th May:
Today I wore two of my newest garments my Wave of Change Jacket that I knit at the beginning of lockdown, modified to have a zip instead of snaps, and my grey woollen Pietra Shorts with gold thread in the weave. Paired with a mustard Neenah top and rtw leggings.
The shorts are made with fabric that I purchased when Sewisfaction did their pop up at Sew Hayley Jane, so it is high time that that fabric got sewed up (you never know I might finally get to the other piece one of these days…)
My Wave of Change Jacket is wonderful but there are def things that I am contemplating modifying, the question is do I rip it out and start again or do I knit a second one with the modifications then rip this one back.
Wave of change with pietra shorts Wave of Change jacket
5th May:
Slightly more dressed up today with a dress. This is the Seamwork members bonus version of the Neenah Dress made in a brushed poly knit which feels lovely and snuggly from the outside but is a little cold to the skin on the inside.
Here it is paired with my next most recent finish my “Leafy Green” Lopi sweater that was knit with a combination of hand knitting and machine knitting! And which I have been wearing somewhat unfinished because I have been waiting to add the zip to the front…
Neenah dress and Leafy Green jumper Leafy green lopi sweater
6th May:
Today I dressed for Yoga initially and then changed it up to work in the garden. The base layer was Leggings from Fehr Trade’s Sew Your Own Activewear book in a purple brushed poly and a boxy Grainline Hemlock Tee also in Fabric from the Sewisfaction pop-up.
Worn with a RTW mustard jumper for yoga and then covered with my In the Folds Button up dress in a black stretch woven* from Tia Knight, modified to add pockets to the dress to make it more useful.
*Note: If you use fabric like this make sure you have the stretch going the right way!
I also added my newest make the Set Sail hat from Patterns for Pirates that I made when I realised that I didn’t have a hat here at all, out of a purple floral print…
RTW Mustard jumper legging and hemlock tee Button up dress over hemlock tee and leggings, worn with floppy sunhat
7th May:
You get to see more of my crazy yoga outfits today with the leggings again paired with a rtw tee and this wonderful silk and cashmere jumper I found in a charity shop last year.
Getting ready for the day I changed into my new hot weather uniform, with my heavily modified Moji Trousers in a viscose that I have had lying around for ages and seamwork Emmie that I have now sewn the neck line closed to give more coverage in the sun as I always seem to burn in the neck area.
In the evening I put this jacket on again for the first time since the wedding I made it for, becuase I finally finnished sewing the lining into the jacket and it no longer needed to be worn with pins in!!
Pale Green silk cashmere jumper and leggings Emmie top and gathered trousers Finally got to wear the fancy bommer jacket that I made for Matt and Lotties wedding last summer!
8th May:
No photos from today as life got in the way but my Me-Made item was the same trousers as yesterday…
9th May:
Today was not as warm so I got to wear my Pietra Trousers again, this time in pin-striped suiting from Fabric Land paired with my Avocado dyed linen Seamwork Adria, that I made for the super warm trip to the south downs that A and I took last year for my Birthday. I think I need to try and overdye this again as it is far too close to my skin colour, but it is so lovely I think I might be coming round to the wonders of Linen.
Later in the evening the trusty mustard jumper came out, topped by my newish duster, I modified the Seamwork Quince robe to be less boxy, have longer narrower sleeves. But it is still somewhat bulky under the arms, and I need to move the belt loops up a couple of inches and add the second pocket! The fantastic fabric is a duvet cover from IKEA…
Blue and white pinstripe Pietra trousers and a linen Crop top My new duster in action
10th May:
A somewhat cool day today so I broke out the trusty Sasha trousers with an oversized RTW pink tee and my Bright Coral shirt dress worn as a duster. This dress was a lengthened Rachel Shirt and is comfy but is a bit tight on the hips and the arms, Oh and the coral is very bright!
I added my “Shapely Boyfriend cardigan”* which needs a little tlc as the bottom button is pulling off!
*Turns out this cardigan is older than I remember, I made it in 2017…
Navy Sasha trousers, pink rtw top with a coral and navy tartan shirt dress worn as a duster With added comfy knitted cardi
Observations from this week:
I am really enjoying having the duster type additions to my wardrobe, they have the feel of a dressing gown, which tbh I practically live in, without looking like it or being anywhere near as warm. I see more of these in my future, I just need to find a pattern/ design that fits well.
With the addition of the new viscose trousers I am slowly improving my hot waether clothing situation, but as I never really get to spend much of the hot summer weather in my own clothes and not uniform I as surprisingly lacking in this department so expect more hot weather/cover up makes coming along soon.
This weeks Mending:
Visible darning on the ball of the foot of a thermal sock Visible darning on the heel of a thermal sock Side by side comparison of the visible mending of the thermal sock and the wear on sock number two! Visible mending on a stripey sock Not mending perse but fixing, finally attached this lining Iron on Interfacing covering the holes on a cotton sheet
I have been doing lots of sock darning this year and this month is no exception. It would appear I am pretty hard on my socks, especially my thermal/thick socks, although this one is probably one of the worse ones I own! Thank goodness for nylon in commercial socks otherwise there is no way this one would have survived. I’ve just got to summon up the enthusiasm to mend sock number two
More sock mending, this time on a normal weight sock which means it takes just as long even though it is a much smaller area. I am getting a lot of use out of the cones of random thread weight yarn that I bought at a charity shop (I miss random charity shop runs…)
This counts as fixing not mending but I finally sewed the lining into this cropped bomber jacket that I made last year. Yes, I did totally wear it to the wedding with pins holding the bottom of the front facing in place!
This is the Amelia Jacket from Sew Over it made in a curtain remnant from John Lewis, I am planning to make some more Pietra shorts from the left overs.
This is a cotton sheet that I inherited from my grandparents houes clearance and I have used a couple of times as a sun cover when it is really warm in the courtyard, having my morning coffee, and its great for when the sun then dissapears to add that little extra warmth.
I have now added iron on interfacing to the holes in it and am planning to applique little hexagons onto the holes in the style of my hexagon quilt. One of these days…
You do have a lot of lovely hand made clothes and your sock mending is very good. I wish my eyes were still up to it.