Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.
This week has been a busy week and the start to proper Christmas celebrations. Traditionally our celebrations start a bit early in Southampton because if you want to be able to celebrate with the students before they go home at the end of term you need to fit it in before the last week of term – as most of them leave during that week.
This week we had our annual “mince pies and mulled wine” evening which over the years has morfed from being entirely mince pies and cake to mostly cheese with a small number of mince pies.
The day before the party we had a dinner of bread and cheese and sent a photo of it to our Mother to say thank you for the home made bread that we were eating with it. Her response was that we had taken cheese and bread to the next level. Just wait till we showed her the amount of cheese that was waiting for the next day!

This year our mince pies party got renamed the Brandy butter party as normally each year we have to introduce one of our friends to the concept of brandy butter, and it normally ends up with them sitting there with a bowl of it and a spoon… this year I only did a little bit!! (yes that is a Kenwood stand mixer bowl… it only took 1kg of butter)
Much cheese: Clockwise from TL: Gruyère and garlic pastry tree (like this recipe but with different filling); Full cheese board including Baked Camembert with red onion chutney and pull apart hedgehog bread; Sweet Baby Cheesus (I dare you not to like that last one!)
Saturday was our annual Christmas dinner with friends, there were only 10 of us this year as a few were unable to make it due to work commitments but it did make sitting and plating up slightly more convenient. We don’t have any pictures of the food this year (it is pretty much the same as every year we do it, including pigs in blanket fort!) and I don’t think it lasted long enough to get photographed. But with a few friends staying over the night before or arriving early we had many hands to help decorate the Christmas cake. And I definitely got the pudding flaming this year – I nearly took my eyebrows off and it went on for a while!

We did manage to get some crafting done this week and not just cooking and eating food. Pippa finally got round to fixing her leather bag and giving it a much needed treatment:
More Stitching Santa presents were made and we actually used up some of the big bin bag of leather scraps that our mother brought down with her 🙂

And Nikki made little pine cone Christmas Tree ornaments for everyone’s place setting at the Christmas dinner:
You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.
Yum – so much lovely food! I’m sure I’m putting weight on just looking at it.
Lol. I wish i could give you my extra kilos from it instead of having them myself
What great traditions you have started and I particularly love that you have to introduce someone new to the delights of brandy butter every year! Wish I could have seen the pigs in blankets fort but am not surprised it didn’t last long enough for a photo. Love your little leather pouch – for snips, maybe? Can’t wait for all the Stitching Santa reveals after Christmas!
yes its always amusing introducing other people to brandy butter. I think that this year everyone already knew it but that didn’t stop them eating it with a spoon.
We will have to find a photo from previous years and write up the recipe at some point.
Yes I am looking forward to them too, I need to get my parcel in the post today… Nothing like cutting it fine..