Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.
So it has been rather a while since we last posted. It seems life has well and truly got in the way of posting on here. So here is an attempt to recap probably the last 3 weeks…although it would seem we really haven’t taken that many photos. Whoops.
We went on a trip up to Scotland to visit some of our friends in Glasgow for a long weekend. The weather was absolutely glorious and we had a lovely time trying to see lots of things although unfortunately we were both a bit ill/knackered whilst we were there so we didn’t get as much done as we might have liked.
Philip, Nikki and Jamie went for small hike up Ben Lomond… The views were stunning from the top if a little breezy…
We went in to Glasgow for the day and enjoyed a nice drink by the River.
I will try to get a separate post up about the trip because we do have quite a lot of photos from it.
Pippa completed her jumper just in time for the trip! (The zip was sewn on in the service station on the way to the airport…)
and of course…more plumbing issues to contend with. The waste under the sink started leaking again again… so we decided to just replace the trap system, hopefully that should hold for a while.

Pippa has another knitting project on the go, probably some more train knitting… Some more socks, these ones with a more interesting cable pattern on them.
Some of Pippa’s plants are definitely starting to shoot up. Nikki has also got some stuff planted out in the garden, but there are no photos at the moment.
The climbing rose outside the house is doing beautifully now though. Given that we thought this almost died a few years ago…
and Nikki picked up a couple of screens to complete her home office which will be where she will be doing most of her writing.
We’ll try to actually get another post up before too long!!
You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.