Sunday sevens #22

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Late again. But at least slightly less late than last times  Sunday Sevens.


Flying the large red ensign to mark the Queens birthday. Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of the ones we had at the mast head as well.


Coming back from town after an evening in spoons using the free WiFi the beach looked lovely. You could just hear the waves crashing on the beach in the dark.


We have been doing a lot of maintenance onboard. Our pilot ladder needed re doing. Here I am splicing the ropes on the under side of the bottom step. It was quite late in the evening when we finished this… slight madness ensued.


Our first day out after our new paint job. It’s nice to see her with the white stripe again.


This is one of my favourite photos of the week. Currently 4 of our 7 permanent crew are female. The highest ratio that we have had and the chief officer is the highest ranked female that we have had on before and she started out on here 8 years ago as a trainee.


Heading out past portland for the first time this season.


Our first night at sea provided us with a lovely sunset.



4 thoughts on “Sunday sevens #22

  1. Sheila

    Can you show us some interior photos? I’m assuming you sleep in cabins onboard. It’s a fabulous vessel and looks like an idyllic way of life.

    1. Pippa Post author

      Yeah we have cabins. Voyage crew are 4 to a cabin and most of the permanent crew have their own cabins. I’ll try and get some for “this weeks” round up


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