With my Uncles funeral coming up next week I decided that it was high time that I got myself a Little Black Dress. Something that can be dressed up for those occasions that need it, or dressed down a bit. Nikki, Philip and I are travelling straight up to Scotland after the funeral so having a multi function outfit is something that would be really useful.
Using some textured thin sweater fabric that I had in my stash I made up a second Deer and Doe Zephyr dress. This time I added a full circle skirt as the skirt on the dress. I cut the size 46, with a seam allowance of the width of the presser foot but expanded the seam allowance in the top 2″of the princess seams to the original seam allowance.
I also took the shoulders in a bit taking the shoulder seam about 3cm at the arm scye edge and about 1 to 1.5 cm on the neckline edge.

I also added in seam pockets to the skirt of the dress to make it more versatile. As I only just managed to squeeze the bodice out of the spare fabric around the edges of the circle skirt, I made the pockets out of some black lycra that I had as an oddly shaped off cut from a previous project.

I think this dress looks good as a dressy outfit, although I think that I need to find some black boots. These suede ones that I have on I bought from a charity shop a few days ago but I need to keep an eye out for a black pair (and a real leather tan pair).

This dress also looks great in a more casual role, paired with a long sleeved T-shirt and Jeggings. This makes it so much more versatile which is going to be great given that I am taking it up to Glasgow at the weekend as part of my holiday ‘capsule wardrobe’.

With respect to the Capsule Wardrobe I have a cardigan that fits in to the colour scheme that I am considering, along with my jeggings and long sleeved top. The whole outfit under the dress is an outfit in its own right as well which is a win from a packing light point of view.
I can see myself making more of these dresses. I will also try and find a sleeve pattern that matches up with the arm scyes on this pattern to make a sleeved version at some point. I also want to try it with a collared shirt on underneath. I think this is going to be a very versatile addition to my Wardrobe and is my April make for the #wardrobebuilder project. I had been planning on making a shirt dress as well but the pattern has yet to arrive in the post 🙁
You have made the perfect piece, and it looks so lovely on you. I’m so sorry that you have lost a family member.