Category Archives: #SundaySevens

Sunday Sevens 3 (#65)

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Here I am a Little late to the game… Ohps Finishing the kitting for my next #stitchingsanta gift… Soaking the three finished headbands ready for blocking My headband being used in anger during a very blustery evening out catching up with friends Some work on one of my Christmas presents a cowl with Oriel stitch Free Coffee Friday at my… Read more »


Sunday Sevens #1 (#63)

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For the first time I’m joining with Sunday Sevens from Natalie at Thread and Bobbins, a photographic representation of your week. I like the way it is almost like a photo a day thing but not that strict so if like me you don’t have anything interesting lots of the days you can still join in. 1: Testing a free… Read more »
