Here is this weeks instalment of Sunday Sevens from Natalie at Thread and Bobbins.
This week I cast on a new head band for me to match my cowl.
I spent an evening changing the back of one of our dresses to a corset back so that it fits a wider range of sized people.
I received my annual order of spices from eBay to make Christmas presents and mulled wine
When talking to my other half in Portugal the other day I carried on with some knitting only to realise I had made a mistake and had to rip it back. I was rewarded with this pattern…
On Saturday we had a long day traqvelling from Southampton to Bath for a competition. I got through a round in intermediate ballroom which was a nice surprise 🙂
During the afternoon of the comp I was not dancing and so carried on with some of my knitting.
And on Sunday I managed to bind off the finished headband
Lovely! Your fair isle is impeccable and leaves my efforts wanting. I’m interested to see what presents you make with those spices.
Thanks for this. I find it’s much easier to get the tension right with double knitting as there are no floats. But it does take much longer.
I’m also interested to see what you are going to make with the spices! Lovely knitted headband 😀
Thanks. I’m sure the next round up will have some things. It’s been a crazy week this week and I haven’t got a much done with them as I wanted…