Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.
So this week has been a bit less hectic than the last few weeks but still full on.
The week started off with a day to recover from last week. then Tuesday and Wednesday Pippa was working in Portsmouth again, thankfully after the windy weather we have been having lately the wind decided to ease off leaving just dreary misty conditions. These finally cleared on the Weds evening leaving a lovely sunset in its wake to treat Pippa on her way back to Southampton for her first dance lesson of the new academic year (only 1 week till the first comp now!)
Nikki is still slogging away on her thesis and has spent a few days in the library working on it
More blood tests on Thursday meant more treating ourselves to cook breakfast. (This one may or may not have included fried chicken…)
Despite it being quite a clean and easy blood test (the words you have good veins were uttered for the first time ever, they are normally getting annoyed at not being able to find them…) it still resulted in some bruising 🙁
Thankfully it hasn’t effected the knitting and this “little” stack of hats is soon going to be winging its way to Gloucester for a friends co-workers in a Youth centre.
Thankfully this little dropped stitch was noticed before it managed to unravel and more of the sleeve of the cardigan. it has been hooked back into place and restitched now thankfully, and the cardigan is back in working rotation.
And getting into the Halloween spirit Nikki went to a friends house for a small Halloween party which included some wonderful decorations. We just have to get round to carving the two pumpkins that we have now!
You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.
Busy week! Those look like good breakfasts.
Got to love a good breakfast 🙂
Fried chicken for breakfast?! Still, if it was a treat for having blood taken, then I don’t blame you. What is the hat pattern? I’d like one that is knitted in the round as seamed ones are never as neat, no matter how hard you try.
Lol yes we don’t normally have fried chicken for breakfast it was mostly just to use up the leftovers. 🙂
I knit all of my hats in the round, and most of them I make up as i go along but originally I based the simple pattern on this hat pattern but you can have a look through my projects on Ravelry for the different patterns that I have used.
I hope you find something to try 🙂
Love a cooked breakfast, but I’m not sure about adding fried chicken. Sorry to hear there’s been more blood tests – hope results are all going in a positive direction.
Thanks, there was even more after this as well! But so far everything is coming back with no issues. Which in one way is good but still means I have no idea what caused everything.
Your breakfast looks yummy! definitely well deserved. Hope the tests are ok.