Monday Sevens #67

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Here is this weeks “Sunday” Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how the last week has gone.

So again I managed to miss last week’s post, I was away on a work trip to Norwich so this is for the last 2 weeks, although again I don’t seem to have taken many photos.

It was graduation time, and some of our friends were staying down for their graduations so we got out the welcoming committee. Zilly is wearing the robes I made last year for Philip’s elephant which matched his graduation robes perfectly.

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More blueberries from the garden. I am definitely not eating them as quickly as they are being produced.
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I took my VHF radio course this week, and what better way to study for it than with a nice glass of baileys.
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Off to Norwich for a work trip. The weather was pretty miserable. This was my view from the train window.
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But my hotel room was pretty decent though, it had a fireplace!
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We’ve been trying to be good with our food recently and cut down on the amount of meat that we eat, so we’ve been trying out a few different recipes. Here we have (clockwise from top left): Quinoa with roast vegetables, homemade veg quiche, mackerel warm salad and homemade garlic bread. All rather tasty 🙂


You can click here to see the rest of our Sunday/Monday Sevens posts.


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