Welcome to this weeks instalment of Sunday Sevens from Natalie at Thread and Bobbins, posting 7 photos of your week that wouldn’t warrant blog posts of their own. This week I am also going to continue to post my goals for the coming week to see if that helps me get them achieved, hopefully this week will be better than last.
The week started off quite well healthy eating wise. With home made chicken stock I had a lot of soup at the beginning of the week with brown rice and left over veg 🙂
This week I cast on and finished my headband made from the bottom band of the #fringehatalong #1898hat, making the band wider. Albeit a little bit too wide possibly…
I decided to cut out another pattern from my Nov Burda magazine but have managed to misplace my actual magazine. :'( So I have the pattern pages but am not sure which lines correspond to which patterns…
I also rescued another knitting project from the Charity shop. 6 balls of Hobby Craft Women’s Institute Acrylic yarn and a whole raglan sweater back.
I just need to work out the shaping on this and calculate myself a pattern to continue knitting from.
I nearly forgot my plans for the week:
I need to get more work done on the Purple dresses, I need to get the patterns worked out and start cutting ideally.
Post two other blog posts this week.
My other half is down this week and it is probably the last time I will see him before I got away to sea again, and therefore possibly till May. So I plan to spend some quality time with him, not just sitting and watching TV/movies that normally happens. (With this in mind I wont be planning to do too much else)
What do you have planned for the coming week?
You had a busy week! I love that you rescue pieces from the thrift store. I do too. I always feel that someone is looking down on me and smiling because I finished something that they didn’t have time to do while they were here 🙂
Thanks. It’s odd I really didn’t feel like I had had that much of a busy week. But lining back I did manage to get a lot done.
Yeah it will be nice to do something to that project that I have rescued but it will take a bit of working out….
Wow, that sewing pattern looks very complicated to trace off! I think your headband looks very warm, especially with all this cold weather 🙂 Hope you have a great week!
Yeah the headband is very warm. A little too warm at times but is so comfy.
They are a bit complicated but not as bad a it could be as for me I was tracing off the largest size.