This winter I will get a bit of a chance to do some sewing again since I am back in the land of communication and sewing machines… So I am planning to make the most of my time.
One problem with sewing nice things for myself is that I need them to be practical, as when I am on ship everything needs to be able to be thrown in the washing machine which realistically has only one setting on it and then into the tumble dryer. This has already claimed one of my favourite PJ tops and a fair amount of my underwear is starting to show signs of wear… In addition to this I am trying to pare down my wardrobe so that I have less clothes which therefore take up less space as my room is tiny and I spend a large proportion of my life living out of a bag of some variety.
With this in mind it doesn’t make sense to make loads of lovely clothes that I will never wear, although constantly making functional T-shirts and the like can get boring so this winter I need to work out what I need to make and what I can use to improve my sewing skills with out cluttering up my wardrobe. I would quite like to master a trousers pattern or two and possibly try my hand at making a coat so that I can have a nice stylish coat that I actually have the possibility of wearing a jumper underneath AND still being able to lift my arms! Apparently a wish which is too much for the RTW community to cope with!
I currently have one nice winter jacket which I found 2/3 years ago, after about 2 months of searching, in Primark of all places. Its a lovely teal colour almost knee length coat with lots of volume in the “skirt” section, but I can only wear thin jumpers underneath it and even then it can be a bit tight at times. I love the length of the coat as I always find it hard to keep my legs warm on cold days (I’m thinking long skirts and thick tights might be a good call this winter) So this might be a coat to try and copy (take inspiration from) possibly in a more modest colour… Possibly… Maybe a Plaid pattern…
Winter Coat
Trousers (Chinos and wide legged)
Maxi skirt.

I’m thinking of making a maxi skirt like this for layering throughout the winter, using the properties of a skirt to keep me warm
Button Up Shirt

Sewaholic Granville, Grainline Archer or go down the lines of Lladybird and pick a shirt with princess seams..