You may have noticed that I haven’t been around for the last week. As I said in my Plans Change post I have been off sailing, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to upload many pictures to Facebook as I had planned so I was much more out of contact than I thought I would be.
Some times it is very nice to have a break from technology, but I think some of the kids we had with us found it a little weird. We would often catch one of them, Helen, wandering the rear deck with her Kindle trying to find good signal to connect to the internet!
I have decided to follow Nikki’s example and try the image a day for April. I am not doing them in order but am picking out a number of photos from the voyage which fill some of the categories and then doing it properly, one a day, after today.
1) A photo of my reflection which happened to be taken on the way to Weymouth to join ship:
4) I’m going to take this as someone who makes you laugh and there were many times on board where Jazz made me laugh so hard. So here is a some what serious photo of her and the other watch leader on board, Tom:
5) Tiny. Well this is something that makes me feel tiny. A photo of the rock strata showing very clearly on a section of the Jurassic coast. Geological time has the power to make me feel very small very easily:
7) Shadow. Slight artistic licence as this one is practically all dark
but it was a gorgeous night and this is the only photo I managed to get
with my phones night setting before its battery ran out!:
but it was a gorgeous night and this is the only photo I managed to get
with my phones night setting before its battery ran out!:
11) Where you ate breakfast. Well this is the inside of our mess where I ate breakfast for the last week and a bit, it is lovely except when at a significant angle when under sail in strong wind. But even then it is nice:
14) How you feel today. Well we were just about to go and get a ride on a lifeboat whos maximum speed is 40knots, compared to the pelicans 8… Needless to say we were all a little excited:
19) Orange. There isn’t much more to say, this is about as orange as it comes:
26) Black and white. This hour glass doesnt time out an hour it is set to something around 43 seconds and is used with the traditional log to measure the speed of the boat through the water:
27) Some where you went. Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight. We anchored here for one night, it is just round from the Needles which are possibly the most famous section of the IOW:
29) Circle. I couldn’t spend time on board and not use this one: