Recently I have been struggling with motivation a little bit. There is so much inspiration out there That some times I feel swamped by it all and dot know what to do for myself.
We all want to make amazing new things but I am finding that searching blogs and pinterest has lead to me thinking that everything interesting has already been done.
I do love these mediums for inspiration but sometimes they can make me feel like everyone else is amazing and I have no creative talent at all. Which isn’t true for any of us.
How to keep the motivation going… Now this is a question that I am contemplating a lot at the moment.
There are the common ones like:
1) Tidying your crafting space up
2) Rearranging said space
3) If you are in to clothing transformations etc, cleaning out the closet of things that you don’t wear any more can spark inspiration.
4) Look through magazines for things you can replicate at a much reduced cost (always satisfying)
5) Try to learn a different skill such as knitting or crochet, or turn your hand to painting or drawing. (It doesn’t have to be amazing, this is just for you)
Some inspiration here:
Inspiration for turning those old sweaters into bags Source: via Pippa on Pinterest