Yearly Archives: 2022

Sewing Plans

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I think I have finally got my sewjo back after it being MIA for the best part of the last 9 months (or more), so now I have a load of sewing plans and some new fabric. Hopefully, I won’t go running into this headlong and burn out shortly. I think one of my problems with finding the impetus to… Read more »


Green Shirt Dress Photos

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So I wrote about the construction of my Green Shirt Dress the other day and said I would post some nice photos of it all finished, that arent selfies in my narrow corridor. Well the other weekend we celebrated my mum’s birthday and I hijacked Nikki for a little while to get her to take photos of the dress (and… Read more »


Sewing the Green Shirt Dress

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So following on from my Shirt Dress Planning post, I printed the Penny dress pattern from Seamwork/Colette which it turns out that we already had downloaded as Nikki had started making one for herself a few years ago. Miraculously I downloaded and printed the pattern one night and cut and taped the pattern the next morning! Which is surprisingly fast… Read more »


Shirt Dress Planning

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Surprisingly I have been thinking about sewing again, more than just “ugg it has been ages since I last sewed anything…” I am actually thinking seriously about dusting off my machines and making something. As usual, there is a deadline involved, but thankfully not too close at hand. In April I have a wedding to attend with the dress code… Read more »


Mum’s Christmas Socks

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A pair of Grey and black striped socks on a white table

As I mentioned in my Holly Berry Socks Post I had knit a pair of socks for my mother for Christmas. After I knit her a pair for her birthday last year and she asked for another pair I thought it would be a nice Christmas present, and well it wouldn’t be Christmas if I wasn’t knitting something for someone…… Read more »


Holly Berry Socks

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So this year I never got round to making a “to make list” or a Make Nine or anything like that that I have always tried to do in the past. Partly because I never actually end up making the things on them and partly (mostly) because my motivation to make things is next to non-existent at the moment. I… Read more »
