Wow. Time has just seemed to absolutely race past recently. I’ve been so busy every weekend trying to fit as much stuff into my summer as possible. This is the first weekend where I’ve actually managed a proper lie-in without having to worry about getting up for anything! Blissful! Although I’m still not even at home this weekend because I’m visiting friends in Birmingham. Oh well, I’m sure all my house chores can wait another week…
So what has been happening recently?
Well other than my crazy commuting and long days I’ve actually managed to fit in an awful lot of other stuff.
My parents took me and Pippa to Paris which was amazing fun! A nice long weekend relaxing and exploring the Capital.
I took loads of photos but I haven’t had a chance to sort through them yet, but when I do I will make a post about the things that we saw when we were out there.
I also went to Amsterdam for the bank holiday weekend to meet a friend who is working out in Holland this summer, and we had a really great time despite some other people dropping out of the weekend trip. We hired bikes which I actually really enjoyed, although it was slightly more painful the day after…
The next weekend we went to Rotterdam and a few more friends joined us. We had more bike hiring and being tourists which was great fun, and a ferry trip each way completing the journey.
Once I get all my pictures together again for that I’ll have to post all about the Dutch trips.
The week following Rotterdam was definitely a week playing musical houses. I got given tickets to the Paralympic seated volleyball on the monday. (Having been on a ferry back from rotterdam that morning, and worked the whole day) So I stayed at my parents, but then back home to mine for a night to change all my clothing I had with me and back to my parents for more Paralympic action at the Athletics stadium.
The Paralympics was just an amazing experience. I can’t cover it in a few paragraphs, so I’m going to write another blog post about it, and the Olympic park.
Finally after all that excitement has finished. I was off to Birmingham for the weekend to see friends and have a (relatively) relaxing weekend before it’s back the daily commute!
But the next few weeks have almost just as much stuff happening in them as well. The Southampton Boat show is almost here. So I’m definitely going to go visit that. I miss sailing =( although Pippa is always off galavanting here and there on all sorts of boats, I haven’t been on a boat in ages.
Then the week after that I’m off to Milan! Which I hope will be good fun. Especially since part of it is being paid for by my work/university, as I’m going to a conference. Good times!
Well I’m hoping to get a lot of photos organised soon, and have a number of travel blog posts to write up about all the places I’ve managed to visit this summer!
Hope everyone else is enjoying the end of summer!