Well yesterday we reached one of our milestones, 100 blog posts published 😀
It has been a slow road to get here, and as the last few months proved not always very regular but here we are celebrating posting more than 100 posts.
Our aims for the next 100 posts?
More communication: to try and write posts that produce more comments and create better relationships with other bloggers.
More consistency: try to pre-empt the times I am going to be away more and have more pre written posts for these times to keep the blog ticking over.
Craft more: I need to get more crafts done to be able to blog about.
A few giveaways.
I am planning a giveaway this week in celebration of 100 posts. Details to come soon… 😀
Here is a round up of my top 5 favourite posts so far:
In no particular order.
And lastly my favourite blog post/project to date: