I have a small addiction to pinterest at the moment.
But im going to maintain that it is manageable, and even go as far as to say it is useful.
Recently I have had a craving for ranch dressing and lo and behold a lovely recipe for Ranch Dressing came up on my Pinterest and oh yummm is it good!
I went out and got some of the stuff to make this almost straight after reading the recipe and made it as soon as I got back from the shops. I shamefully have to admit to tasting it on a piece of crusty roll and then eating the rest of the roll dipped in dressing 😮
I am also inspired by this pin about freezer meals. We do do them here but not to the same extent as this lady! Although Im not sure our freezer is big enough to allow us to store the same amount of meals as she does I might just have to take a leaf out of her book and start making some meals in advance.