Here is this weeks Sunday Sevens post, linking up to Natalie to give a snap shot view of how my last week has gone.
Nikki showing off her multi tasking skills laying out the fabric for yet another ballroom skirt and on the phone to our Mother…
We had some of our dresses out in the front room the other day and I had to arrange them like this. Every thing on this rail and the dress form was made by Nikki or I.
(L-R) The first Ballroom dress I made, One of the two Blue-Purple-Grey Latin dresses, Nikki’s fringed Latin dress, Red two-piece (Unblogged – I must change that), Leopard circle skirt, My new Ballroom Skirt and leotard, and Aneesa’s Green dress on the dress form (yet to be finished).
Lots of sewing has been taking place this week. Nikki made another of her Crinoline Skirts but didn’t add the slit so it is just a full circle…
And then drafted a pair of shorts to go under them. Her first attempt at drafting anything, and it worked 🙂
We also bought some new feet for the sewing machine. We pretty much have all of these so that Nikki could have a rolled hem foot, but I’m sure a lot of them will come in useful.
I finally sewed the buttons onto Nikki’s cape that I made her for Christmas last year! Oohps
The cape is now finished and being worn 🙂
Nikki had a wine and cheese evening during the week and sent me this photo just to make me jealous…
This week I went to up Ed’s for some well needed catch up (I haven’t seen him since August!!) but on the Thursday I recieved some bad news so dived head first into distraction sewing. Mum called to tell me that Grandad was finally home from the hospital after many weeks but was not very well, a few hours later Mum called back to tell me that he had died at home. Queue more sewing…
The next day I continued with some sewing. This time lots of hems! Its amazing how much difference a bit of fishing line can make.

Now that Autumn has arrived pretty much all the rest of my shoes have been put away and I am only wearing my boots, recently they have been giving me a little bit of trouble with one of the zips. Then the other day this happened!
This Post is a day late because at Ed’s on Sunday we had a power cut. We woke up in the morning to no power, and no heating… It finally came back on permanently 5 1/2 hours later. The only up side to this was it meant that we had the fire on for the first time this year
Christmas making is in full swing now, which required some more materials. How about some vacuum packed wool…
A new sewing Box

Or some Mini Stockings
Sorry to hear about your grandad, it’s a good job you’ve been able to keeps yourself busy. Love your collections of dresses, you’re both very talented. One of these days I want to try the fishing wire thingy on the hems, I was ready the other day how to do it using an elastic foot attachment on the overlocker. Is that how you do yours?
Thanks. Keeping busy has been good. I’m on my way down to see my family now.
Tbh I just use a zig zag stitch and my standard foot on the normal machine. No one is ever going to pay attention to the hems so I just fold the material over the fishing line and sew over it, which sometimes leaves a bit of excess fabric beyond the stitching. I may go back and cut this if I’m feeling really picky but as it’s on the inside in all honesty I probably won’t.
Oh no, so sorry to hear about your Grandad! Good to know that your coping technique is sewing though – they say that craft is therapy and I know it works for me. I can’t believe the difference that fishing line makes, not that I’ve ever had cause to even think about using it, but I suppose it’s pretty standard stuff when making ballroom dance costumes. Is that a hexagonal sewing box by Lynne of Tialys that I spy there? I still haven’t got around to making myself one after making one for Stitching Santa last year:(
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